Over the years, Gastroback has cemented its position as one of the leading brands for quality kitchen appliances in the German market.

Over the years, Gastroback has cemented its position as one of the leading brands for quality kitchen appliances in the German market. The name Gastroback reflects the brand’s ambition to make professional technology from the catering sector accessible to home kitchens. This desire has led to the development of a comprehensive and versatile range that covers a wide spectrum of kitchen needs. From kettles, juicers, toasters and blenders to food processors and espresso machines, Gastroback seamlessly combines price, quality and functionality.
Their products are designed to cater for both the enthusiastic amateur chef and the more demanding professional user. Gastroback machines are characterised by their robustness, ease of use and innovative features that contribute to an enhanced cooking experience. They stand for a combination of modern technology and durable materials that ensure longevity and reliability.
Gastroback has also been recognised with numerous awards. A large part of their product portfolio has won the Plus X Award, the world’s largest innovation award for technology, sports and lifestyle. This award honours brands that are leaders in quality and innovation in their products. With this recognition, Gastroback has demonstrated its ability to not only meet but exceed consumer expectations in multiple markets ranging from consumer electronics and appliances to hygiene, heating, air conditioning and sports equipment. These awards emphasise the company’s commitment to innovation and their dedication to delivering products that are at the forefront of industry quality and functionality.